
Künstliche Intelligenz im Recruiting: Fluch oder Segen?

Unsere Welt ist vom technologischen Fortschritt und digitaler Transformation geprägt, weshalb auch  der Rekrutierungsprozess eine Revolution durchlebt. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) spielt eine zunehmende Rolle im Personalmanagement und bietet dadurch Unternehmen und Bewerbern...

Schenke Vertrauen. Stärke die Team-Autonomie und führe dein Unternehmen zu nachhaltigem Erfolg.



Schenke Vertrauen. Stärke die Team-Autonomie und führe dein Unternehmen zu nachhaltigem Erfolg. 

In deiner Führungsrolle bist du kontinuierlich Herausforderungen ausgesetzt. Der stetige Druck und das hohe Level an Verantwortung bringen dich nachts oft um den...

Trust in yourself and your inner voice

Last Friday night at 3.15 am I woke by a very disturbing noise.

My mother’s dog Pepa was breathing shallow and seemed not to get enough air. 

What to do? 

Do I need to call the doctor?

Do I need to rush her to the animal hospital? 


Since I had already called the...

The power of silence

Let's imagine you share silence with a peer, you do not know yet. You just passionately gave your view on a topic you care about, the other person was just listening. And then you both fall into silence for a couple of minutes.

That seems new, maybe even uncomfortable? However it can be very...

The Clubhouse experience - the 3 things to learn for your business (1/3)

Who would have thought that a social media app like Clubhouse will teach us something as useful as LISTENING?

LISTENING, especially in business has become one of the rarest skills to be found. 

What does it include?


you are LISTENING  as if you do not know that person, 


Clubhouse experiences - the 3 things to learn for your business (2/3)

How open can you be with strangers?

When have you told a whole audience your inner thoughts the last time?


Many of us have started to explore Clubhouse, the new social media App, which is a kind of a live podcast. My first post was focusing on the first learning which is LISTENING.


First Clubhouse experiences - the 3 things to learn for your business (3/3)

When have you felt APPRECIATION* in a meeting the last time?

How did it feel to be valued and value others?


Many conversation and *rooms” later, having experienced a lot more of real listening and sharing openly, the third learning in #Clubhouse is confirmed for me -...