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Trust in yourself and your inner voice

🌃 Last Friday night at 3.15 am I woke by a very disturbing noise.

🐕 My mother’s dog Pepa was breathing shallow and seemed not to get enough air. 

❓ What to do? 

❓ Do I need to call the doctor?

❓ Do I need to rush her to the animal hospital? 


Since I had already called the ambulance late evening for my mother with a serious lung infection two weeks before, you can imagine that I was even more concerned. 


🪄 What did my inner voice tell me?  

🤝 Trust your instincts. Talk to her, calm her and give her time to catch her breath.

🧠 my brain “cried”: Pepa might die and it is your fault! Call the vet!


Even in this very threatening situation I had to trust myself and my inner voice. 

Pepa did calm down, started to breathe normally again and has not had issues since.

Listening to my inner voice has always guided me - very much in business in challenging interactions in workshops as well as in private life like with Pepa.

❓ When did you have your last serious arguing between your inner voice and your brain?


#trust #selfleadership #trustinyou #innervoice